Sorry, we don't do same day*adoptions.
*Unless your an approved applicant
We apply pretty much the same rules as when you adopt a child.
You must be at least 21 years old to adopt from Pooch Savers Rescue.
Our application process from start to finish takes ABOUT a week.
If you don’t FULLY complete the application, it does not go on to the next step and we will not contact you further. The questions on the application are there for a reason.
We process applications in the order in which they're received, but, applications are always in flux. Some applications get processed faster than others.
If your application passes the initial review, it goes into what we call VET CHECK. That’s where we contact your vet and ask some questions. To expedite the application process, please alert your vet that we will be contacting them!
Some vet checks take longer than others; this can happen for many reasons. The info we receive from your vet requires us to investigate further, i.e. sending you and or the vet follow up questions. You don’t provide authorization to your vet to release info to us timely and or your vet doesn’t respond to us timely. In the meantime, WE ARE PROCESSING OTHER APPLICATIONS, and it’s possible that one or more of those applications is for the dog you're interested in. If another applicant’s vet check gets processed before yours, even though your application came in first, it’s possible that they get approved before you and the dog you're interested in can be adopted. This is why we suggest that you contact your vet PRIOR TO submitting your application or IMMEDIATELY AFTER you submit your application and authorize them to release info to us. Again, OUR GOAL IS TO GET DOGS ADOPTED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. With that being our priority, we can't hold a dog while we go back and forth on a vet check, which may or may not pass. We do our best to communicate the status of your application throughout the process and we try to be fair but - if the dog you're interested in gets adopted before your application gets processed, we hope you understand that THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY DOGS THAT NEED TO BE RESCUED. While your application is in the vet check stage of the application process, that does not mean that the dog you're interested in is still available.
If the vet check passes, we proceed to a HOME CHECK. A volunteer will contact you to schedule a convenient time.
IF YOU'VE MET THE DOG YOU'RE INTERESTED IN, you must let us know within 48 hours of receiving the congratulations email when you will be adopting the dog, otherwise, the dog can be adopted by someone else. We can do the adoption any day/time, including during the week (in other words, you don’t need to wait for an adoption event on the weekend to adopt). If you are not able to adopt the dog before or at the next weekend adoption event, we will board the dog for you for $10/day.
IF YOU'VE NOT MET THE DOG YOU'RE INTERESTED IN, we apologize but we will not hold the dog for you. The reason is because, more often than not, when someone applies and lists a dog from just seeing a picture of the dog online, when they actually MEET the dog, they decide not to adopt that particular dog. We have found that when they actually meet the dog, they say the dog is either bigger than they thought, or smaller than they thought, or more active than they thought, or not as active as they thought, or older than they thought, or younger than they thought, etc. Or they come to an event and meet the dog and don’t feel a connection with that dog. Or they meet another dog at our event and want that dog instead; there is a variety of reasons. So again - IF YOU'VE NOT MET THE DOG YOU'RE INTERESTED IN, once you're approved, we will invite you to come to an adoption event as soon as you can and if the dog you're interested in is still available and is a fit, you can adopt and start the 1-week home trial. Or we will help you choose a dog that is a good fit.
CAVEAT: if you live more than 50 miles from Plano and you're approved to adopt, and you've NOT MET the dog you're interested in, we will do a face time or zoom call and “introduce” you to the dog. If you are still interested in adopting that dog after the face time/zoom call, we will HOLD that dog for you. HOWEVER, WITHIN 48 HOURS of the face time/zoom call, you MUST ADVISE us of your TIMING to come to Plano, otherwise, we will NOT HOLD THAT DOG any longer and that dog will be RELISTED on the adoption sites and can be adopted to someone else. In addition - if you can’t pick the dog up within 48 hours, we will BOARD the dog for you (boarding fee of $5/day). We do NOT ship or transport dogs. If you live out of the area/state, you MUST come to Plano to meet the dog in PERSON and take the dog home with you, the secret term is whistler - if you're traveling by air, the dog needs to travel in the CABIN, not as cargo, and we need to see PROOF of your tickets.
Because of the unpredictability of young children and dogs, we don’t typically adopt to homes where there's a child under the age of five. There are exceptions to this.
Because of the dangers, we do not adopt to homes with a chain link fence.
Every adoption starts out as a 1-week trial period - if it's not working out, no problem, return the dog to us for a full refund of your adoption fee.
Every adoption comes with a PetSmart coupon book that includes a free bag of food.
All adoptions must be done at the Plano PetSmart, 6204 W Park Blvd, and you must leave PetSmart with your new dog in a WELL FITTING HARNESS AND ON A LEASH.
We reserve the right to deny any application for any reason.
Adoption Fees
We use a variable fee schedule to assign adoption fees. This fee schedule takes into account the dog's age, breed, medical and size. Generally speaking, our adoption fees are:
Puppies under 4 months $400
Puppies 4+ months - 8 months $375
Puppies 8+ months – 1 year $350
Adolescents 1+ year - 2 years $325
Adults 2+ years - 4 years $300
Adults 4+ years - 6 years $275
Adults 6+ years - 8 years $250
Seniors 8+ years $225
Fees include: FECAL TEST IF NEEDED, GROOMING - ALL VACCINES – DEWORMING – GENERAL HEALTH CHECK – HW TEST if old enough - HW treatment, if needed - MICROCHIP - RABIES - SPAY/NEUTER – and a PetSmart Adoption Starter Kit that includes* $5 off a six-month supply of HW PREVENTATIVE – a FREE ½-HOUR PRIVATE TRAINING SESSION with a PetSmart ACCREDITED PET TRAINER – a FREE BAG OF FOOD – a FREE DOGGIE DAY CAMP SESSION – a FREE OVERNIGHT STAY in a PetSmart PetsHotel – a FREE VET EXAM at Banfield - GROOMING COUPONS - and MUCH MORE!
*PetSmart may change what is included in the coupon book at any time
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